Monday, October 17, 2011

12 months/Birthday Partay....long overdue!

So, with all the hurricane renovations going on at our house and the big move coming up, I kind of forgot to blog about Graham's Birthday! Oops!
Party Dets:
With Graham's birthday falling on opening day of dove season, we of course had to do a camouflage birthday party. I got pretty obnoxious about this theme because it couldn't be army camo, it had to be realtree hunting camo. So basically everything had to be bought in and shipped from Texas.
We had the party at our house with all of our awesome New York friends we have made and my family came in from Texas for the festivities. We had homemade Texas BBQ and all the fixins! I'm pretty sure it was a crowd pleaser! Thank you Aunt Dwinna for your amazing recipe!
G's Stats:
He's still a big boy weighing in at 24 pounds and 30 inches long. He exclusively started walking right before he turned 13 months old. We were in no rush for this to happen, but now it has and he definitely keeps me running all day! He talks constantly. Graham's favorite things to say are Chili, Dad, Bye, Hi, Mom, cheese and always sings the song, (sort of), at the end of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Itsy Bitsy Spider.
We are truly in love with this little guy and couldn't imagine our life without him. We can't wait to get him to Texas so he can have a backyard, friends so close and warm weather of course!!! College Station here we come!

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